September 24, 2021

7 Skin Types and Their Care

Since skincare is both an art and a science, you need not be afraid of it. Everyone can learn how to identify skin type. The 7 skin types are normal, oily, dry/dehydrated, combination, acne-prone, sensitive, and mature. Though, normal is the most common skin type!

Being aware of the needs of one's skin allows one to locate the proper items that work the best and tackle possible difficulties without inflicting any damage. So, here is how to tell your skin type and take care of it.

1) Normal Skin:

As a general rule, your skin is not adversely affected by new products or changes in the weather. Consequently, there is no need to continually moisturise or wipe away oil from your face. Normal skin can handle most substances, as compared to all other skin types. Use a variety of cleansers, moisturisers, and masks until you discover the right one.


  • Zero problems with acne
    • No fine lines, wrinkles or flaws
    • Neither too dry nor extra oily
    • Not sensitive
    • Pores are hardly visible
    • A glowing complexion


    • Wash your daily face with a good facewash 
    • Scrub your body and face to keep them clean of dirt and dead cells
    • Moisturise before bedtime 
    • Keep yourself hydrated 
    • Apply natural face packs made of honey, turmeric, yoghurt, etc.

    2) Oily Skin:

    If you have oily skin then your skin is constantly shining. Blotting papers and mattifying powders are your saviours. Facial oil secretion is an early morning problem for you and applying makeup gets quite tedious. Here is how to know your skin type.


    • Enlarged pores
    • Smooth or glossy skin with a dense complexion
    • Presence of blackheads, acne, pimples and other skin imperfections
    • Excessive sebum secretion 


    • Avoid wearing sweaty undergarments
    • Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser
    • Avoid scrubbing the skin
    • Pop or squeeze pimples instead of picking them 
    • Look for the phrase "non-comedogenic" when buying skin care products and cosmetics

    3) Dry or Dehydrated Skin:

    Despite the fact that dryness and dehydration are two distinct issues, they have several similar signs. 

    • Dryness: Oil deficiency in the skin leads to a loss of hydration. Flakiness, sensitivity, itching and cracking are a few symptoms. Lifestyle and environmental factors or a chronic illness are the most common reasons for dryness of the skin.
    • Dehydrated: The effect of not keeping enough moisture in your skin is dehydration. Your skin feels tight, looks papery or has tiny wrinkles when it is squeezed together.


    • Nearly imperceptible pores
    • Unpleasant skin tone
    • Decreased skin elasticity
    • Easily visible lines 
    • Cracked, flakiness, itchiness or inflammation


    • No more than one bath or shower per day
    • Use mild, gentle soaps or cleansers 
    • Avoid deodorant
    • Avoid scrubbing
    • Apply an after-bath rich moisturiser
    • Keep indoor temperatures cool by using a humidifier
    • When using cleaning agents, solvents, or household detergents, always wear gloves to protect your hands

    4) Combination Skin:

    Facing problems with how to identify skin type? You are likely to have a combination skin type if you are experiencing dry patches and oily skin at the same time.


    • Dry or normal in certain parts and oily in others (nose, forehead and chin)
    • Bigger pores 
    • Blocked pores 
    • Shiny skin


    • Avoid cosmetics that contain alcohol 
    • Use spot treatments 
    • Isolate trouble areas 
    • Apply toners or balance creams to even out the skin tone

    5) Acne-prone Skin:

    It is a prevalent skin type amongst youngsters and is caused due to excessive sebum secretion and clogged pores. Acne-prone skin witnesses swollen and painful acne often accompanied by pimples. Do not prick or touch them with dirty hands.


    • Regular outbreaks of acne 
    • Appearance of more whiteheads, blackheads and pustules 
    • Clogged pores 
    • Dry or oily patches 


    • Use acne-specific cleansers, exfoliants and moisturisers to reduce outbreaks
    • Wash your skin gently 
    • Apply topical gel to minimise acne scars
    • Find and use acne-fighting chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and retinol

    6) Sensitive Skin:

    Possibly, genetics, allergies, or environmental factors cause sensitive skin. Let us help you to know how to identify skin type quite easily.


    • Easily flushed skin
    • Frequent rashes and bumps
    • Stinging and burning sensation caused by a skincare product
    • Fragrance-induced sensitivity
    • Appearance of inflamed, dry or flaky skin patches
    • Redness
    • Itching


    • Be more cautious while picking cosmetics to avoid skin irritations like rashes and acne outbreaks
    • Avoid alcohol and antimicrobial substances 
    • Look out for products that include fewer chemicals and those that have soothing, healing, or anti-inflammatory qualities
    • Eat a healthy diet full of vegetables and fresh fruits 

    7) Mature Skin:

    How to know your skin type if you cannot relate to any of the above? Your skin ages and one or two wrinkles appear and your skin looks drier than in your youth. Then it is mature skin.


    • More aged complexion 
    • Clear signs of dryness 
    • Sagging skin 
    • Darkening patches


    • Get sufficient sleep 
    • Choose an intensive skincare
    • Reduce stress 
    • Meditate daily 
    • Keep your skin clean and well moisturised 

    Skin types vary due to lifestyle, diet, sleep patterns, genetics, etc. Knowing the skin type helps you to go for the best skin care regime and maintain yourself. Therefore, do not worry and start taking care of your skin NOW! 

    Written by Lotus Herbals